By using the anti-RNA/DNA hybrid antibody as the probe, we labeled and analyzed the precise transcrip-tional sites of ac......
The location and configuration of nucleolar DNA have not been determined for a long time. In this paper, we have observe......
Our conventional EM observations indicate that the nucleolus of Allium cepa is composedof the fibrillar centre (FC), fib......
New steroidal sapogenins from the acid hydrolysis product of the whole glycoside mixture of Welsh on
Two new steroidal sapogenins(1,2) along with five known steroidal sapogenins were isolated from the acid hydrolysis prod......
Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Extracts of Allium s
ZnO nanoparticles(ZnO NPs) were synthesized by chemical method(coprecipitation) and biological method using aqueous extr......
Involvement of adenosine and standardization of aqueous extract of garlic(Allium sativum Linn.)on ca
The present study investigated the effect of garlic(Allium sativum Linn.)aqueous extracts on ischemic preconditioning an......
Overcoming seed dormancy of mooseer(Allium hirtifolium) through cold stratification,gibberellic acid
Mooseer(Allium hirtifolium Boiss.) is bulbous perennial herb widely used in pharmaceutical and food industry in Iran.We ......
Cytoplasmic male sterility exists widely in most natural populations of welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.), which makes ......
Efficacy and safety of Hemoheal cream in patients with hemor-rhoids:a randomized double-blind placeb
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Hemoheal cream,an anti-hemorrhoid herbal prepa-ration,(inspired by Pers......
目的 分别分析评估Allium覆膜输尿管支架和Resonance金属输尿管支架在输尿管梗阻中的临床应用价值,并初步探讨影响Allium覆膜输尿......
一、前言洋葱(Allium Cepa L. )是我国重要的夏季蔬菜作物之一.它的留种种子在南方大约在5月份收获.新收获的洋葱种子虽然存在很......
Nuclear lamina-like filaments and nuclear matrix in Allium cepa as revealed by scanning electron mic
In this study,freeze-fractured specimens of Allium ceparoot tip meristems were examined under the scanning elec-tron mic......
大蒜为百合科多年生草本植物大蒜Allium satum L·的鳞茎.具有消肿、解毒、杀虫之功效.据测定,其鳞茎中不仅含有蛋白质、脂肪、维......
大蒜为百合科葱属(Allium Sativum L.)的鳞茎,系多年生草本植物,在我国被当作药物使用已有几千年历史。上海第二制药厂,从大蒜提......
大蒜为百合科植物蒜(Allium sativum L.)的地下鳞茎。有关大蒜的化学、药理及临床等方面的系统研究较多,我们仅对我国大蒜及其制......
从熊葱Allium ursinum L.鳞茎的氯仿提取液中分离到甲基蒜烯(methylajoene)和二甲基蒜烯(dimethylajoene),这两个成分在大蒜中亦......
蒜(Allium sativum)粗提取物是将新鲜薄片小鳞茎磨成糊状,溶于去离子水中而制成。通过对雄性瑞士小白鼠给单剂量的蒜粗提取物同时......
陈蒜提取物系用乙醇对蒜(Allium sativum)鳞茎提取而得到的乙醇提取物,提取物经乙酸乙酯分馏提取后,上硅胶柱,
The garlic extra......
研究了春秋季大葱(Allium fistulosum)和秋季洋葱(Allium cepa)不同部位(叶、叶柄、根)抗氧化酶的活性,结果:①SOD的活性:春季大......
研究了大蒜(Allium sativum)的不同制剂对小鼠生理、心理应激的影响。大蒜制剂包括:生蒜汁(RGJ)、熟蒜汁(HGJ)、经过加工的大蒜粉......
葱白为百合科植物葱 Allium fistulosum L.的鳞茎。具有发表通阳解毒的功能。沈阳康达制药厂最新研制的“胰冲剂”,用于治疗糖尿病......
百合科植物Allium aflatunense鳞茎(7.0kg)的甲醇提取物上硅胶柱与ODS硅胶柱反复层析,得到5种螺甾烷醇皂苷,化合物1~5的得率分别为......
Aim: To identify possible spermicidal agents through screening a number of edible medicinal plants with antimicrobial ac......
By using the anti-RNA/DNA hybrid antibody as the probe, we labeled and analyzed the precise transcrip-tional sites of ac......
近几年来,我们从各地收集了一些大蒜品种,种于本院菜圃。据观察结果,我省的大蒜基本上属于两个种,即大蒜(Allium sativum L.)和大......
粉碎并压榨大头蒜Allium ampeloprasum L.,用水或亲水性有机溶剂提取,所得提取物加热,收集泡沫成分,即为所需提取物。该提取物可用于防......
福州市郊山区和闽西北山区,海拔800~1500米地带有一种宽叶韭菜,俗称为“亥菜”.学名Alliumhookeri Thwaites.是百合科(Liliaceae),......
愈纹萤叶(虫甲)(Galeruca reichardti Jacobson)属鞘翅目(Coleoptera)、叶(虫甲)科(Chrysomelidae)昆虫。作者自1985年以来发现,......
为提取亚实基隆葱(Allium ascalonicum)中活性成分,将其鳞茎去皮后,加冷水混匀,离心,取上清液冷冻干燥得水提取物。此提取物为蛋......
本品系由百合科植物大蒜(Allium sativum L.)经提取有效成分而制得的一种广谱抗霉菌和抗细菌药物。 [性状]本品为黄色液体,具大蒜......
系由百合科植物大蒜Allium sativum L.分离的抗菌有效成分三硫二丙烯,经化学合成法制得的广谱抗菌药。[理化性状] 为黄色或淡黄色......
The roots of onion (Allium cepa) stand out for having cells with large size and small number of chromosomes.These charac......
Antibacterial effect of Allium sativum cloves and Zingiber officinale rhizomes against multiple-drug
Objective:To evaluate the antibacterial properties ot Allium sativum(garlic) cloves and Zingiber officinale(ginger) rhiz......
[Objective] To measure the content of iron, calcium, manganese, chromium, nickel and copper in Allium macrostemon. [Meth......
葱属(Allium)植物除被食用外还用作药物,南欧蒜(Allium ampelorasum)在命名学上与蒜(Allium sativum)相关,但是没有明显的蒜味。......
采用蒸汽蒸馏的方法,分别提取了大葱(Allium fistulosum L)、薤白(Allium macrostemonBunge)和大蒜(Allium sativum L)中的挥发油,......
Retention of testicular integrity and testosterone levels upon ingestion of garlic cloves(Allium sat
Objective: To investigate the effects of acute and chronic aqueous garlic extract ingestion on testicular cellular integ......